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With the highlight of competing in the 1996 Olympics for Canada, Cynthia Johnston’s basketball career spanned 20 years in both Europe and Canada,

with 14 years as part of the National Team program beginning at the age of 16. The latter part of her sport’s career overlapped with the early years of raising her children in Belgium. Somewhere in there, she also ran a bed and breakfast in Brugge with her husband. It is since she accidently won her first camera at the age of 19 that her passion for photography began, existing as a constant thread throughout these many and varied phases of her life thus far.

Following two years of commuting from Quebec City to Toronto to attain her MFA in Documentary Media at Toronto Metropolitan University in 2019, Cynthia has returned to residing full time in Quebec City with her husband, 5 children, 2 dogs, 4 cats and 3 horses.

As a mother of five, Cince Johnston's photography practice includes exploring intimate family narratives alongside street documentary and activist-based storytelling for change. From an ecological standpoint, Johnston also attempts to incorporate environmentally conscious elements to her work through sustainable printing practices—focussing on using recycled paper and recycled ink.  Most recently, she can be found hand binding her new book late into the night.

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